There are many different ways to classify collisions. In some cases, people describe motor vehicle wrecks on the basis of the type of vehicles involved. People may talk about semi-truck crashes, motorcycle collisions or passenger vehicle wrecks. Other times, the...
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Motor Vehicle Accidents
Why do some people file lawsuits after deadly car crashes?
Sometimes, motor vehicle collisions result in tragic consequences. Collisions involving pedestrians, semi-trucks or vehicles traveling at high speeds sometimes end with a person dying. State laws require that those driving their own vehicles or employer vehicles for...
Why are trucking accidents so deadly?
To answer this question, we need to hop in the way back machine and go back to high school. As if that thought was not scary enough, we are headed back to science class. Thankfully, we do not need to go too deep into the science to get a basic understanding of why...
Is distracted driving a modern problem?
Cellular phones have gotten some pretty heavy criticism when it comes to adding to the nation’s distracted driving problem. In fact, Illinois law now forbids drivers to use hand-held phones while they’re driving, and drivers under 19 years of age aren’t even allowed...
Could car insurance leave you with unpaid bills after a wreck?
Car crashes can leave people with life-altering injuries or tens of thousands of dollars in damage to their vehicles. Insurance makes daily driving less of a risk. Everyone in Louisiana should carry liability insurance coverage. Some drivers even invest in extra...
How innocent statements after an accident can hurt your chance of recovery
In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, adrenaline and stress are high. Sine you are a polite person, in those moments you might feel tempted to reassure the other driver, to apologize or otherwise say things that might come back to hurt you later when you are...